Saturday August 01,2020
9313580256/ 8980788833


Admission Detail

Age Criteria for admission

Child should be 3+ for Nursery, 4+ for Lower K.G. and 5+ for Upper Kg.

For class I and below

  • One passport size photograph
  • Copy of Birth Certificate duly attested (original to be brought for verification at the time of admission).
  • Copy of Aadhar Card of student and parents (mother and father both).
  • Copy of Marks Sheet of the previous class.
  • Medical form duly filled in and certified by Govt. recognized Medical practitioner.
  • Bank account details of the child or the parent.

For Classes II to X

  • One passport size photograph
  • Copy of Birth Certificate duly attested (original to be brought for verification at the time of admission).
  • Original Leaving Certificate from the last school (Countersigned by the District Education Officer for those coming from other states).
  • Unique ID number (To be obtained from the last school)
  • Copy of Aadhar Card of the student and parents (mother and father both).

Admission Policy

Major admissions take place at three entry points, viz. nursery, Std. I and Std. XI. However, vacancies created at other classes due to students leaving the town are filled up as and when they happen.

Parents interested in admitting their wards to this outstanding institution may contact the school office any day between 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon.

Please Note:
  • Admissions are given only on merit. Please do not try getting recommendations.
  • For Class IX there will be written test. Syllabus can be had from the school office.
  • There is no written test for admission to Std. I to Std.VIII.
  • Admissions to pre- school are given on the basis of Ganguli committees recommendations.

One is expected to bring two passport size latest photographs of the student,birth certificate and student's progress report of the previous year for admission to Std. I to std. IX.

Admissions to class XI are given on the basis of previous performance of the student if she/he has been studying in Shaishav School. For those coming from other schools, there will be a written test. The details can be had from the school office.

School Rules

  • Students should reach the school 10 minutes before the bell rings.
  • Valuables, electronic gadgets and sharp instruments are strictly prohibited. School will not be responsible in case of theft or loss of the same.
  • No student should damage/ spoil the school property or the property of other students. Damage of any kind is subject to fine / payment for replacement of the same.
  • To ensure the safety of the student, any change in the transport or residence, temporary or permanent should be definitely and immediately intimated in writing to the school.
  • For bonafied certificate, parents/guardians must submit a written application a week prior with passport size photograph of the student (in school uniform).
  • Students are not allowed to bring sweets, gifts etc. to the school to mark his or her birthday or any occasion. However if they want to celebrate, they might do so only by distributing limited number of quality chocolates.
  • Parents should not try to contact the teachers over the phone but they can meet the teacher with the prior appointment.
  • Parents must consult the school diary and the circulars given before making enquiries over the phone.
  • Any communication made by the parent/guardian should be address to the Principal. The address, phone number, admission number, class of the child should be mentioned in the application.
  • We expect parents and guardians to be cordial and polite with the staff of the school even in the most taxing situations. Parents are also requested to maintain a proper dress code at all times while entering the school premises.

Code of Conduct

  • Students are expected to come in proper uniform to the school. Students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. Students are expected to converse only in English.
  • As soon as students reach their classes, students must get ready for assembly / period.
  • Change of the classroom between the periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.
  • Students should observe and follow polite manners wherever they go. They should conduct themselves to the best of their behavior.
  • No shouting or whistling is allowed in and around school premises. Running in the corridor is strictly prohibited. Any kind of manner less behavior will not be accepted.
  • They should respect the liberty and rights of others and be friendly to others in and out of the school.
  • Students should attend the festivals and functions celebrated in the school.
  • To mark the respect to elders, students are expected to rise when any teacher or visitors come to talk to them.
  • Students should accept whatever work is assigned to them with positive approach. They are expected to be punctual and regular for the completion of the same.
  • It is the student’s duty to care of the school property and upkeep of the classroom and surroundings.
  • There should be no vulgarity in their talk and behavior.
  • Lending or burrowing of money or other articles is not permitted.
  • Students are solely responsible for their belongings.
  • The school reserves the right to suspend / terminate / dismiss the students in case of breach of conduct or gross disciplinary issues / unsatisfactory progress in studies / Non payment of fees as per specifications / any other reason as maybe deemed fit by the Principal.
  • The safety and security of our students is the prime concern and responsibility of the school and the schools will take all steps to ensure the same. However, there are certain unforeseen incidents which are beyond the reasonable control of the school when students take part in any indoor and outdoor activities conducted by the school as a part of learning and if some untoward incident occurs for that the onus will not rest with the school alone.
  • Neat and perfect uniform is compulsory on all working days, even on open House Days.
  • Do ensure that your ward reaches school 5 minutes early to avoid time delay.
  • If a student causing damage to the school property is identified, he/she will be charged with a fine. In the event of collective damage to school property in a classroom, the entire class occupying that classroom will have to bear the cost of damages.
  • Students are not allowed to drive motorized vehicles such as cars, scooters and motorcycles without the driving license.
  • Under no circumstances will cell phones, colours, crackers, fireworks, and any other inflammable material, be permitted in school.